Packaged Tertiary
Percolation Unit

TER3 Packaged Tertiary Percolation Unit

Eurotank TER3, is a CONCRETE Packaged Tertiary Treatment System which further treats effluent from a secondary treatment system, example Eurotank BAF. It is an allowed form of Tertiary Treatment, under Option section 10.2 EpA Code of Practice ideal for most sites including difficult sites, with high vulnerability, Nutrient or Pathogen Sensitive area`s and especially suited to small sites due to its small footprint.

Raw sewage enters the secondary unit by gravity from the house and is treated, effluent then leaves this unit and is pumped via a network of piping over the surface of the TER3 , it then trickles down through the various layers receiving Biological treatment before final discharge to the ground. The unit is connected to a network of perforated pipes and sits on a layer of distribution gravel as a slightly raised small bed or finished at ground level, depending on the results of the percolation test.

Eurotank TER3 is a Cost effective, Efficient method of complete on-site wastewater treatment and disposal

Key Features

Operation Principles

Secondary treated water from the tank is pumped and distributed via a pipe network with orificing shielding.

Water is distributed evenly over the fibre safe bags which remove any residual solids and in particular greases which ensure long life use of the natural and synthetic mix fibre Media.

The waters then trickle through the fibre to receive final treatment and polishing before entering the percolation pipework over a bed of stone for distribution and final discharge to underlying soils.