How to Qualify
All eligible works to DWWTS for the purpose of obtaining one of these grants must be carried out in accordance with the EPA 2021 Code of Practice for Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems.
Important: Costs incurred for the routine maintenance, servicing or de-sludging of a DWWTS do not qualify for a grant.
The terms and conditions of the three grant schemes are:
DWWTS grant under the National Inspection Plan
In order to be eligible for this grant, works to the DWWTS must arise directly from an inspection carried out under the National Inspection Plan, and the subsequent issue of an Advisory Notice to the householder by the local authority.
The terms and conditions for the scheme can be found here
Terms and Conditions – Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems Grant under the National Inspection Plan
DWWTS grant in a Prioritised Area for Action
In order to be eligible for this grant, the DWWTS serving a house must be situated in a Prioritised Area for Action in accordance with the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021, and the applicant must have received a letter from the Local Authority Waters Programme Office on behalf of the local authority, confirming eligibility to apply for a grant.
The terms and conditions for the scheme can be found here:
DWWTS grant in a High Status Objective Catchment Area
In order to be eligible for this grant, the DWWTS serving a house must be situated in a High Status Objective Catchment Area in accordance with the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021, and the applicant must have received a letter from the local authority confirming eligibility to apply for a grant.
To help identify if a house is in a HSOCA area, this can be checked by inputting an EIRCODE in the map.
The terms and conditions for the scheme can be found here: